年以内ねんいないに1.5気温上昇きおんじょうしょう確率かくりつ50% WMOが報告ほうこく
2022-05-12 11:02:06
Anonymous 04:05 12/05/2022
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年以内ねんいないに1.5気温上昇きおんじょうしょう確率かくりつ50% WMOが報告ほうこく
label.tran_page Temperature rise of 1.5 degrees within 5 years, probability 50% WMO reports


label.tran_page The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on the 10th that there is a 50% chance that the average global temperature will exceed the line of international restraint targets within the next five years and will rise by 1.5 degrees from before the Industrial Revolution, even temporarily. Released a report saying that


label.tran_page The report warns that temperatures could rise by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius for at least a year between this year and 2026.
label.tran_page The probability that the world’s average annual temperature will reach a record high is 93%, and it is almost certain that the five-year average will rise above the past five years.


label.tran_page The Paris Agreement, an international rule for global warming countermeasures adopted in 2015, set the goal of limiting the temperature rise from before the Industrial Revolution to less than 2 degrees Celsius, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
label.tran_page The rate of increase has now reached at least 1.1 degrees