2022-05-28 21:07:02
Anonymous 15:05 30/05/2022
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label.tran_page Emphasizing the willingness to expand the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs ”BRICS”


label.tran_page Regarding ”BRICS (5 emerging countries)” in which 5 countries such as China, Russia and India participate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China emphasized the willingness to expand, saying ”I expect more partners to become families”.

label.tran_page Regarding ”BRICS”, Argentina in South America and others are showing a positive attitude toward membership.

label.tran_page At a press conference on the 27th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised the 16-year history of ”BRICS” such as economic cooperation, and insisted that it would promote the expansion of member countries and ”speak higher on important international and regional issues.” did

label.tran_page He also called for ”expecting more partners who share the same aspirations to become a family” and expressed his intention to strengthen his influence.

label.tran_page China is aware of its opposition to Quad and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is also proposing to expand the number of member countries at the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting last week.