「すき全店ぜんてんで“ワンオペ”廃止はいしへ 従業員死亡じゅうぎょういんしぼう
2022-06-03 21:09:02
Anonymous 01:06 05/06/2022
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「すき全店ぜんてんで“ワンオペ”廃止はいしへ 従業員死亡じゅうぎょういんしぼう
label.tran_page ”One operation” to be abolished at all ”Sukiya” stores due to employee death


label.tran_page In January of this year, the beef bowl chain ”Sukiya” revealed that an employee had collapsed during work and then died at a store in Nagoya city.

label.tran_page At that time, this employee was working from 5 am to 9 am, and was a ”one operation”, a so-called ”one operation”, where he was able to handle tasks such as customer service, cooking, and washing by himself.

label.tran_page At Sukiya, in order to protect the safety of employees, it was mandatory to always wear a ”wireless emergency button” that allows emergency contact to the headquarters.

label.tran_page However, the employee who died this time did not wear this and could not detect the incident.

label.tran_page In response to this, Sukiya announced that it will abolish the one-operated employee work system by the end of this month.
