セブン−イレブンの「100えんコーヒー」も値上ねあ コスト上昇じょうしょう
2022-06-04 11:02:03
Anonymous 22:06 29/06/2022
4 0
ana.romila 21:09 04/09/2022
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セブン−イレブンの「100えんコーヒー」も値上ねあ コスト上昇じょうしょう
label.tran_page Seven Eleven’s 100 yen coffee will price increase as cost is on the rise


label.tran_page Seven Eleven, Japan announced from the 4th of next month in store made coffee price is rising.

label.tran_page Hot and ice coffee regular size including tax will increase from 100yen to 110 en, large size will increase 30yen

label.tran_page Again, coffee latte regular size will increase 30 yen, large size will increase 40yen

label.tran_page In addition to soaring prices of Of raw materials such as coffee beans, containers, and packaging materials this is due to rising logistics costs

label.tran_page This is the first time Major convenience stores announced 100 yen in-store made coffee will increase