国連食糧農業機関こくれんしょくりょうのうぎょうきかん 5がつ世界食料価格指数発表せかいしょくりょうかかくしすうはっぴょう 小麦こむぎ価格大幅かかくおおはば値上ねあがり
2022-06-05 11:02:03
virendra 02:06 06/06/2022
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国連食糧農業機関こくれんしょくりょうのうぎょうきかん 5がつ世界食料価格指数発表せかいしょくりょうかかくしすうはっぴょう 小麦こむぎ価格大幅かかくおおはば値上ねあがり
label.tran_page Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Announces World Food Price Index in May Wheat Price Increases Significantly


label.tran_page FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations announced the World Food Price Index in May
label.tran_page Prices of major foods continued to rise due to the effects of the prolonged invasion of Ukraine and other factors.

label.tran_page According to a report released by FAO on the 3rd, the food price index in May averaged 157.4, falling from the record high in March for the second consecutive month, but grain and meat rose.

label.tran_page In particular, the price of wheat increased significantly by 5.6% from the previous month and 56.2% from the same month of the previous year.

label.tran_page It is said that India’s ban on wheat exports and the prospect of a decrease in production in Ukraine had an effect.