中国ちゅうごく台湾産たいわんさんハタを禁輸きんゆ 依存度高いぞんどたか品目狙ひんもくねらちか
2022-06-15 11:02:07
virendra 16:06 15/06/2022
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中国ちゅうごく台湾産たいわんさんハタを禁輸きんゆ 依存度高いぞんどたか品目狙ひんもくねらちか
label.tran_page China embargoes Taiwanese groupers, aiming for highly dependent items


label.tran_page In China, the embargo on Taiwanese groupers began on the 13th.
label.tran_page While transactions with China, Taiwan’s largest export destination, have stopped, the impact on the Chinese side seems to be limited.

label.tran_page All the groupers confirmed at the Beijing seafood market that I visited for the interview were from mainland China.

label.tran_page Groupers imported from Taiwan account for only about 2% of the production in mainland China, so the Chinese media reports that the embargo has ”limited impact on the Chinese side.”

label.tran_page On the other hand, in Taiwan, more than 90% of groupers exported are destined for mainland China.

label.tran_page Previously, 90% of Taiwanese pineapples, which have been embargoed since last year, were exported to mainland China.

label.tran_page The Chinese side seems to be aiming to put pressure on Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen administration by embargoing highly dependent items.