鉄腕てつわんアトム」はじまってから70ねん 記念きねん展覧てんらんかい
2022-06-20 12:00:00
Anonymous 14:07 19/07/2022
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鉄腕てつわんアトム」はじまってから70ねん 記念きねん展覧てんらんかい
label.tran_page An exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the start of ”Astro Boy”


label.tran_page ”Astro Boy” by Osamu Tezuka, a cartoonist, started in a magazine in 1952.
label.tran_page To commemorate the 70th anniversary of this year, an exhibition of works by artists drawing Tezuka-san’s cartoon characters has been held in Tokyo from the 17th.


label.tran_page There are 7 works, which are printed on transparent plastic using a special technique.
label.tran_page There are works with many spaceships flying in the sky and Atom with a laughing face, and works with machines inside Atom’s body.


label.tran_page The company that opened the exhibition said, ”I would be happy if you could see the work and get interested in Mr. Tezuka’s manga again.”


label.tran_page This exhibition can be seen at ”SPAG HETTI” in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo until the 30th of this month.