世界銀行せかいぎんこう 世界経済成長予測せかいけいざいせいちょうよそく1.2ポイントげ ウクライナ侵攻しんこう影響深刻えいきょうしんこく
2022-06-22 11:02:05
Anonymous 00:06 24/06/2022
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世界銀行せかいぎんこう 世界経済成長予測せかいけいざいせいちょうよそく1.2ポイントげ ウクライナ侵攻しんこう影響深刻えいきょうしんこく
label.tran_page World Bank lowered global economic growth forecast by 1.2 points; serious impact of invasion of Ukraine


label.tran_page The World Bank lowered its global economic growth forecast by 1.2 points this year due to the effects of inflation and the invasion of Ukraine.

label.tran_page The World Bank lowered this year’s global economic growth forecast by 1.2 points from the January forecast of 4.1% to 2.9%.

label.tran_page It is said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the background, and it is analyzed that ”it is suffering from low growth and high inflation at the same time”.

label.tran_page He said that the growth of the world economy from 2023 to 2024 is expected to continue due to the influence of the invasion of Ukraine, and emphasizes the need for policies to avoid the serious situation that the Ukraine problem has on the world economy.