インフルエンザで学年がくねん全部ぜんぶやすになった 2ねんなかった
2022-06-24 16:30:00
Anonymous 01:06 27/06/2022
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インフルエンザで学年がくねん全部ぜんぶやすになった 2ねんなかった
label.tran_page It has not been two years since all of the grades were closed due to influenza


label.tran_page According to Tokyo, 14 out of 45 third -year students have become influenza in elementary school in Tachikawa City.
label.tran_page For this reason, all classes of the third graders were closed on the 21st and 22nd.


label.tran_page It has not been two years ago that all of the classes and grades have been closed at public schools in Tokyo due to influenza.


label.tran_page According to the Tokyo meeting on the 23rd, it was explained that the season is now in Australia in winter, and the flu is more than the average of the five years.


label.tran_page Experts say, In Japan, the flu may spread this year.
label.tran_page It is very important to think and prepare when spreading with the new Coronavirus.