ウクライナの鉄道てつどう修復しゅうふくなど えい食料輸送しょくりょうゆそう支援しえん
2022-07-01 11:02:06
virendra 01:07 02/07/2022
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ウクライナの鉄道てつどう修復しゅうふくなど えい食料輸送しょくりょうゆそう支援しえん
label.tran_page Britain supports food transportation such as restoration of Ukrainian railways


label.tran_page Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the rise in food prices worldwide, and the British government has announced new support measures such as the restoration of railways necessary for food transportation from Ukraine.

label.tran_page The Prime Minister’s Office of the United Kingdom announced on the 26th that it will support up to 10 million pounds, about 1,658 million yen, for the development of the Ukrainian railway infrastructure destroyed by the attack by Russia.

label.tran_page Since the Black Sea is blocked and it is difficult to transport Ukrainian agricultural products by sea, we aim to export by rail.

label.tran_page At the G7 (7 major countries) summit meeting on the 27th, British Prime Minister Johnson will call on each country to take urgent action to secure the supply of agricultural products from Ukraine.

label.tran_page In Ukraine, about 25 million tons of wheat and corn cannot be exported, which means that it is equivalent to the consumption of one year in the least developed countries.