キッコーマン食品しょくひん にくのたれ、みりんなど値上ねあ
2022-07-05 11:02:09
Denise Macrohon 15:01 26/01/2023
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キッコーマン食品しょくひん にくのたれ、みりんなど値上ねあ
label.tran_page Kikkoman Foods to Raise Prices of Yakiniku Sauce, Mirin, etc.


label.tran_page Kikkoman Foods announced on the 30th that it will raise the prices of a total of 75 items, including sauces such as ”Kikkoman’s home is a yakiniku restaurant” and mirin such as ”Manjo Rich Aged Hon Mirin”, starting with deliveries on October 1.

label.tran_page The range of price increases is approximately 4% to 11%.

label.tran_page This is due to the increase in the prices of soy sauce and alcohol, which are the main raw materials, and the steep rise in crude oil prices.

label.tran_page Kikkoman Foods explained, ”We are in a situation where we are unable to absorb costs through our own cost reduction efforts alone.”