東京都 無痛分娩に最大10万円助成へ 2025年度予算案に11億円計上の方針
Tokyo Metropolitan Painless Direction to 100,000 yen subsidies for 2025 budget proposals 1.1 billion yen
Tokyo Metropolitan Painless Direction to 100,000 yen subsidies for 2025 budget proposals 1.1 billion yen
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has launched a system in October to subsidize up to 100,000 yen for the cost of painless delivery (bunben), and has revealed the policy to include 1.1 billion yen in the 2025 budget for that cost.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has launched a system in October to subsidize up to 100,000 yen for the cost of painless delivery (bunben), and has revealed the policy to include 1.1 billion yen in the 2025 budget for that cost.
Governor Koike, I want to create such an environment where women who want painless delivery can give birth with peace of mind. The target is when a pregnant woman living in Tokyo uses painless delivery at a target medical institution in Tokyo.The city expects 9500 users in 2025
Governor Koike, I want to create such an environment where women who want painless delivery can give birth with peace of mind. The target is when a pregnant woman living in Tokyo uses painless delivery at a target medical institution in Tokyo.The city expects 9500 users in 2025
The system is scheduled to start in October, and the capital will record 1.1 billion yen in the budget for FY2025.
The system is scheduled to start in October, and the capital will record 1.1 billion yen in the budget for FY2025.
In general, it is more expensive than natural delivery, but in the city's questionnaire, more than 60 % of pregnant women.
In general, it is more expensive than natural delivery, but in the city's questionnaire, more than 60 % of pregnant women.
東京都 無痛分娩に最大10万円助成へ 2025年度予算案に11億円計上の方針