NZ先住民せんじゅうみんマオリのおう死去しきょ 69さい
2024-08-31 07:10:03
Anonymous 16:08 31/08/2024
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dino 17:08 31/08/2024
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NZ先住民せんじゅうみんマオリのおう死去しきょ 69さい
label.tran_page King of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori dies at age 69


label.tran_page New Zealand’s indigenous Maori king died on the 30th after undergoing heart surgery.
label.tran_page 69 years old

 マオリのおう、キインギ・トゥヘイティア・ポタタウ・テ・フェロフェロ7(Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau te Wherowhero VII)は健康問題けんこうもんだい複数診断ふくすうしんだんされていた

label.tran_page Maori king Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau te Wherowhero VII has been diagnosed with multiple health problems.
label.tran_page He died at the hospital where he underwent heart surgery.


label.tran_page A spokesperson revealed that King Tuheitia passed away peacefully surrounded by his family.
label.tran_page He just celebrated his 18th year of coronation a few days ago.


label.tran_page Maori kings mainly had a ceremonial role, and it was customary for King Tuheitia to give a speech only once a year during his reign.


label.tran_page Meanwhile, in addition to moving forward with efforts to reduce the high incarceration rate of Maori people, in March he advocated for giving whales the same rights as humans to protect them from ocean pollution and global warming. It was widely reported in

 トゥヘイティアおう9がつ4よっかにマオリの王族おうぞく墓所はかしょある神聖しんせいなタウピリさん(Mount Taupiri)に埋葬まいそうされる

label.tran_page King Tuheitia will be buried on September 4th at the sacred Mount Taupiri, the mausoleum of Maori royalty.

 トンガで開催中かいさいちゅう太平洋諸島たいへいようしょとうフォーラム(PIF)に出席しゅっせきしているニュージーランドのクリストファー・ラクソン(Christopher Luxon)首相しゅしょうは、政府庁舎せいふちょうしゃ公共建物こうきょうたてもの国旗こっき半旗はんき掲揚けいようするよう指示しじし、トゥヘイティアおうの「(マオリの)ひとびとへのるぎない献身けんしん」をたたえた

label.tran_page New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, attending the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in Tonga, ordered the national flag on government buildings and public buildings to be flown at half-mast and ordered King Tuheitia’s ”(Maori) ’s unwavering dedication to the people of