体長たいちょう2.2メートルのカクレマンボウが漂着ひょうちゃく べいオレゴンしゅう
2024-06-11 16:00:24
Adri Aditya Kertawidya 01:06 12/06/2024
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体長たいちょう2.2メートルのカクレマンボウが漂着ひょうちゃく べいオレゴンしゅう
label.tran_page A 2.2 meter long clown sunfish washed ashore in Oregon, USA


label.tran_page A rare 7.3-foot-long (approximately 2.2 meters) clown sunfish recently washed up on a beach in Oregon, USA.
label.tran_page The aquarium revealed


label.tran_page This giant sunfish was discovered on Gearhart Beach in the northwestern part of the state on the 3rd of this month.


label.tran_page According to the aquarium, it has become a hot topic on social media, and curious people are flocking to the beach to see this rare fish.


label.tran_page An image shared by the aquarium shows a strange-looking giant fish lying on the sand with its mouth open.


label.tran_page According to the aquarium, news of the giant sunfish stranding also reached New Zealand expert Marian Nygard.


label.tran_page Nygard confirmed it was a clownfish that washed up in Oregon.


label.tran_page According to the aquarium, the clownfish hides in plain sight and has likely been seen before in the Pacific Northwest or washed ashore, but is often mistaken for the more common sunfish. It is said that


label.tran_page The aquarium confirmed to CNN that the carcass of the clownfish was on the beach as of the 8th.
label.tran_page The skin is so strong that even animals scavenging for the carcass cannot penetrate it, and it may remain on the beach for several days or even weeks.