在日ざいにちシンガポール大使館たいしかんもと参事さんじかん とううたが書類しょるい送検そうけん 警視庁けいしちょう
6/13/2024 12:40:24 PM +09:00
Anonymous 03:06 14/06/2024
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在日ざいにちシンガポール大使館たいしかんもと参事さんじかん とううたが書類しょるい送検そうけん 警視庁けいしちょう
label.tran_page Document Sending Police Department for suspicion of voyeur in Singapore Embassy in Japan
label.tran_page A former councilor of the Singapore Embassy in Japan was sent to a document in February for a voyeur in a public bath in Tokyo.
label.tran_page The former counselor came to Japan in June at the request of the Metropolitan Police Department and was undergoing any interrogation.
label.tran_page It is unusual that a diplomat who returned to Japan responded to the police`s investigation over fraudulent acts.