LINE Pay、国内こくない来年らいねん4月末がつまつまでに終了しゅうりょう 残高ざんだかをPayPayへ移行いこう
2024-06-14 21:16:03
Heidi Waugh 07:06 17/06/2024
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Anonymous 02:06 16/06/2024
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LINE Pay、国内こくない来年らいねん4月末がつまつまでに終了しゅうりょう 残高ざんだかをPayPayへ移行いこう
label.tran_page LINE Pay will end in Japan by the end of April next year, balances can be transferred to PayPay

 モバイル送金そうきん決済けっさいができ、国内こくない4400万人以上まんにんいじょう登録者とうろくしゃかかえる「LINE Pay」

label.tran_page LINE Pay allows money transfers and payment to over 4,400 users across Japan.

 LINEヤフーは、このLINE Payの国内こくないでのサービス来年らいねん4月末がつまつまでに順次終了じゅんじしゅうりょうすると発表はっぴょうしました
label.tran_page LINE Yahoo has announced that its Pay service will be discontinued by the end of April 2025.

label.tran_page “I’m a little worried.” an individual in their 20’s had stated.
LINE Pay使つかえなくなると、こまかなとおもいます」

label.tran_page “I think it would be a problem if I can no longer use LINE Pay.” In the future, users can transfer their remaining balance to their other platform, PayPay.

label.tran_page As competition in smartphone payment services is growing day by day, the main goal is to unify services by concentration of management resources.