おれ攻撃こうげきされてるぜ!」ランボルギーニに“花火連射はなびれんしゃ” 1年後ねんご人気にんきユーチューバー逮捕たいほ アメリカ・カリフォルニアしゅう
2024-06-16 21:48:03
dino 07:06 18/06/2024
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おれ攻撃こうげきされてるぜ!」ランボルギーニに“花火連射はなびれんしゃ” 1年後ねんご人気にんきユーチューバー逮捕たいほ アメリカ・カリフォルニアしゅう
label.tran_page ``We’re being attacked!’’ Popular YouTuber arrested after 1 year of firing fireworks at Lamborghini in California, U.S.


label.tran_page A video of a moving luxury foreign Lamborghini car being hit with fireworks from a helicopter has become a hot topic worldwide through distribution sites.
label.tran_page The popular YouTuber who shot the video was arrested about a year later.


label.tran_page Video posted in July 2023
label.tran_page (*Currently deleted) A helicopter fires multiple fireworks at a Lamborghini luxury sports car running in the desert.
label.tran_page Furthermore, when a switch mounted on the car was pressed, fireworks were fired from the Lamborghini.


label.tran_page The person who took the video was a popular YouTuber with approximately 1 million subscribers, and it became a hot topic around the world after posting the video titled ”Breaking up a Lamborghini with Fireworks” in July 2023.


label.tran_page In the video, the YouTuber can be seen driving a Lamborghini, shouting, ”We’re being attacked! Whoo!” and being showered with fireworks.
label.tran_page However, about a year after posting the video, the YouTuber who took the video was arrested.


label.tran_page It is against federal law to bring explosives or incendiary materials onto a helicopter.
label.tran_page He could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.