AIを使つかった作品さくひん イラストレーターなどおお心配しんぱいしている
2023-05-17 12:00:00
Anonymous 02:05 18/05/2023
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AIを使つかった作品さくひん イラストレーターなどおお心配しんぱいしている
label.tran_page Works using AI Many illustrators and others are worried


label.tran_page From the 8th of this month, the Japan Entertainment Workers’ Association has been conducting a questionnaire on the Internet about works using AI.
label.tran_page By the 14th, 25,560 people, including illustrators, voice actors, and manga artists, responded.


label.tran_page As a result, about 94% of the respondents answered that they were worried that AI would not protect the rights of the people who created the works./
label.tran_page About 58% of respondents also answered that they were worried about the lack of work.


label.tran_page Some people said that their cartoons and voices were used by AI without permission


label.tran_page More than 25% of the respondents answered that they wanted the rights of the creators of the works to be protected by law.


label.tran_page A person from the association said, ``It seems that the work of illustrators in particular is disappearing.
label.tran_page I think we need to tell the government,” he said.