ノンストップ料理りょうり100時間超じかんこえ! ナイジェリアのシェフが世界新記録せかいしんきろく
2023-05-19 07:10:02
Howard Lin 02:05 19/05/2023
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ノンストップ料理りょうり100時間超じかんこえ! ナイジェリアのシェフが世界新記録せかいしんきろく
label.tran_page Over 100 hours of non-stop cooking! A Nigerian chef sets a new world record.


label.tran_page A female chef from Africa and Nigeria cooked for 100 hours in a row, surpassing the Indian record and achieved a new world record.

label.tran_page Hilda Bassey, 27, set a new world record for non-stop cooking by cooking for 100 hours straight from the night of the 11th to the 15th, surpassing the Indian chef’s 87 hours and 45 minutes. bottom.

label.tran_page With the rule of only being able to take a five-minute break every hour, he made more than 110 meals from 55 different recipes, mainly local dishes, such as fried mashed beans and jollof rice with fried rice. played for free to.

label.tran_page  The moment the 100th hour passed, the crowd erupted in cheers, and President Buhari announced, ”This is the best day for Nigeria.”

label.tran_page Mr. Bassey says, ”I wanted the world to know about the wonderful local cuisine.”