成田空港なりたくうこう施設使用料しせつしようりょう42ねんぶりに値上ねあ 9がつ1日以降ついたちいこう発券分はっけんぶんから
2023-05-27 07:10:02
2018pcmail 11:05 27/05/2023
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成田空港なりたくうこう施設使用料しせつしようりょう42ねんぶりに値上ねあ 9がつ1日以降ついたちいこう発券分はっけんぶんから
label.tran_page Narita Airport Facility Usage Fee Raises for the First Time in 42 Years From Ticket Issued on or After September 1st


label.tran_page  Narita Airport’s international flight fee will be raised for the first time in 42 years


label.tran_page The price increase will be the passenger service facility usage fee and the passenger security service fee.


label.tran_page From September 1st onwards, the facility usage fee will be increased by 330 yen per adult, and the security service fee will be increased by 20 yen.


label.tran_page  As a result, the facility usage fee when departing from Japan will be 2,460 yen for Terminals 1 and 2, and 1,370 yen for Terminal 3.


label.tran_page This is the first time in 42 years since 1981 that facility usage fees have been raised, and the operating company believes it will be difficult to respond to rising energy prices and personnel costs through corporate efforts alone.