Japanese newspaper
俳優はいゆうのアル・パチーノさん83さいでパパに 交際相手こうさいあいて29さい 現在げんざい妊娠にんしん8げつ
2023-06-02 07:10:02
2018pcmail 05:06 02/06/2023
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俳優はいゆうのアル・パチーノさん83さいでパパに 交際相手こうさいあいて29さい 現在げんざい妊娠にんしん8げつ
label.tran_page Actor Al Pacino became a dad at the age of 83. Dating partner is 29. Currently 8 months pregnant.


label.tran_page It turned out that 83-year-old actor Al Pacino gave birth to a child with his lover.


label.tran_page Al Pacino just turned 83 last month and started dating a 29-year-old film producer last year.


label.tran_page The woman is currently eight months pregnant and is due to give birth this year.


label.tran_page Al Pacino became a top star in the movie ”The Godfather”


label.tran_page He has won numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Actor.


label.tran_page Earlier this month, it was reported in the United States that his close friend Robert De Niro, who co-starred in the second installment of the series, became a father at the age of 79.