ロシアとウクライナ 穀物輸出巡こくもつゆしゅつめぐりトルコで協議きょうぎ
2022-07-14 15:31:45
Abhigyan Hazarika 11:07 30/07/2022
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ロシアとウクライナ 穀物輸出巡こくもつゆしゅつめぐりトルコで協議きょうぎ
label.tran_page Russia and Ukraine to discuss grain exports in Turkey


label.tran_page It has been revealed that delegations from both countries will discuss in Turkey on the 13th over the problem that grain exports from Ukraine are stagnant due to the blockade of the Black Sea by the Russian army.

label.tran_page According to the announcement by the Turkish government, delegations from Turkey and the United Nations will participate in the talks held in Istanbul on the 13th, in addition to Russia and Ukraine.

label.tran_page The delegations of each country are composed of military personnel, and the focus of discussions is how to ensure the safety of ships that export grain.

label.tran_page The Russian side is demanding the removal of mines set up by the Ukrainian army for defense as a condition to cooperate with exports, but it is unclear whether an agreement can be reached as the battle between the two countries continues.