大谷翔平おおたにしょうへい選手せんしゅ いちばん活躍かつやくしたスポーツ選手せんしゅしょうをもらう
2022-07-22 16:40:00
Anonymous 03:07 25/07/2022
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大谷翔平おおたにしょうへい選手せんしゅ いちばん活躍かつやくしたスポーツ選手せんしゅしょうをもらう
label.tran_page Shohei Ohtani receives the award of the most active athlete


label.tran_page ESPN, America’s largest sports-focused television channel, selects and awards people and groups who have been active in sports during the year.


label.tran_page This year, Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels was selected for the first time as the award for the most active male player.
label.tran_page Among Japanese players, I chose Naomi Osaka, a tennis player, for the first time as a girl last year.


label.tran_page In the video, Otani said, ”I am very happy to be a candidate for the same award as all the wonderful athletes in various sports.
label.tran_page Thank you. ”