昆虫学会こんちゅうがっかい、オオスズメバチの英名えいめい変更へんこう 「アジアン」あらた「ノーザン」に
2022-07-28 11:02:06
Anonymous 20:08 01/08/2022
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昆虫学会こんちゅうがっかい、オオスズメバチの英名えいめい変更へんこう 「アジアン」あらた「ノーザン」に
label.tran_page Entomological Society of Japan changed the English name of the giant hornet to ”Asian” and changed to ”Northern”


label.tran_page The American Insects Society and the Canadian Insects Society have decided to change the English name of the giant hornet ”Asian Giant Hornet” and adopt the name ”Northern Giant Hornet” as the common name to be recorded in the insect database.


label.tran_page The giant hornet is an alien species that is also called a ”murder wasp” in North America.
label.tran_page With the surge in hate crimes and discrimination aimed at Asians, we decided that the use of ”Asia” in the name of pests could unintentionally intensify anti-Asian sentiment.


label.tran_page The Entomological Society of America explained that the name Asian giant hornet, the giant hornet, does not represent unique information about ecology or behavior, as hunting bees are all native to Asia.