消防署しょうぼうしょがコウモリのに 署員しょいん危険きけん無期限むきげん閉鎖へいさ べいネバダしゅう
2022-08-06 11:02:02
Anonymous 23:08 06/08/2022
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消防署しょうぼうしょがコウモリのに 署員しょいん危険きけん無期限むきげん閉鎖へいさ べいネバダしゅう
label.tran_page Fire department closed indefinitely due to bat nest

べいネバダしゅうのトラッキーメドウズ消防区しょうぼうく (TMFPD)は、構内こうないにコウモリがすみいた消防署しょうぼうしょを「無期限むきげんで」閉鎖へいさすることになったと発表はっぴょうしました

label.tran_page Nevada’s Truckee Meadows Fire District (TMFPD) has announced that it will ”indefinitely” close a fire station that was infested with bats.


label.tran_page ”The presence of bats has determined that the fire department poses a health and safety risk to its personnel.”
label.tran_page The TMFPD said in a statement, ”Bats are flying around in living quarters, and dead bats have been found in fire depots.”


label.tran_page The history of Fire Station No. 30, where the bats settled this time, dates back to the 1950s.
label.tran_page The building is leased from the State of Nevada