2022-08-07 11:02:03
Kaney Dudey 23:08 07/08/2022
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Anonymous 07:08 07/08/2022
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label.tran_page (Translation by Tagood Japanese and Kaneydudey) New photos of the unusual ’Cartwheel Galaxy’ (a galaxy 500 million light years away) captured by the James Webb Space Telescope made public.


label.tran_page Rare images of ’The Cartwheel Galaxy, taken by NASA’s James webb Space Telescope after peering through the spacedust, have been released.


label.tran_page ’The Cartwheel Galaxy’ pictured in the images exists 500 million light years from the Earth.
label.tran_page It was formed after a large spiral galaxy and a small galaxy violently collided together.


label.tran_page There are situations in which galaxies change their shape and structure after having collided with a neighbouring galaxy.
label.tran_page In The Cartwheel Galaxy, which looks like a wagon wheel, it looks like a bright ring surrounds a brighter inner ring, both of which extend away from the colliding center, this is what can be understood from the images of Webb.


label.tran_page Based on these characteristics, scientists classify this Cartwheel Galaxy as a rare ’ring galaxy’ rather than a ’spiral galaxy’.