Japanese newspaper
IAEAが処理水放出後初しょりすいほうしゅつごはつ調査ちょうさ 中国ちゅうごく韓国かんこく専門家せんもんか参加さんか
2023-10-25 10:10:25
Dollicia Toh 15:10 25/10/2023
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IAEAが処理水放出後初しょりすいほうしゅつごはつ調査ちょうさ 中国ちゅうごく韓国かんこく専門家せんもんか参加さんか
label.tran_page IAEA conducts first investigation after releasing treated water; experts from China and South Korea also participate


label.tran_page The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) has begun its first expert investigation since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant started releasing treated water into the ocean.

 IAEA エブラール事務次長じむじちょう:「IAEAのミッションは今後こんごともつづけられるもので、海洋放出かいようほうしゅつわるまで継続けいぞくしておこなわれる」


label.tran_page The investigation team will include experts from China and South Korea, and will tour the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on the 25th, as well as exchanging opinions with the government, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and others through the 27th.


label.tran_page We plan to compile the report by the end of the year.


label.tran_page At a press conference on the 23rd, IAEA Deputy Director-General Ebrard evaluated the two releases as ``no problems’’.

