2021-04-22 07:10:02Z
Anonymous 23:04 22/04/2021
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Rachel Karash 12:04 24/04/2021
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label.tran_page Forest fire spreads at Table Mountain National Park in South Africa


label.tran_page A forest fire broke out on the morning of the 18th in a green area near the road in Table Mountain National Park and spread to the campus of the nearby prestigious University of Cape Town.

label.tran_page The fire spread to libraries and school buildings with a long history, and students were evacuated.
label.tran_page It also means that the oldest surviving windmill in South Africa, built at the end of the 18th century, was severely damaged and a popular restaurant was burned down.

label.tran_page According to CNN’s story of the local authorities, about 200 people have been dispatched to extinguish the fire and four helicopters have been dispatched, but the fire is spreading and the authorities are calling for caution to the local residents.
label.tran_page Park officials also said that during the initial investigation, the cause of the fire could be the neglect of the bonfire.