イスラエル 数万人参加すうまんにんさんか宗教行事しゅうきょうぎょうじ殺到ひとさっとう 40死亡にんしぼう
2021-05-03 07:10:03Z
Aussie Oi 05:05 03/05/2021
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イスラエル 数万人参加すうまんにんさんか宗教行事しゅうきょうぎょうじ殺到ひとさっとう 40死亡にんしぼう
label.tran_page Israel flooded with tens of thousands of people at a religious event, killing 40 people


label.tran_page Reuters reported that 40 people were killed and more than 100 were injured after a flood of believers at a Jewish ultra-Orthodox religious event in the Middle East and Israel on the 30th.

label.tran_page Tens of thousands of people participated in the event, praying and dancing
label.tran_page The cause has not been clarified, but the Associated Press reports that the audience seats have collapsed, or that many people have flooded in and have fallen one after another.
