ドイツ、中国ちゅうごくとの大型企業契約おおがたきぎょうけいやく阻止そし 安全保障あんぜんほしょう観点かんてんから
2024-07-06 16:00:03
Anonymous 03:07 07/07/2024
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ドイツ、中国ちゅうごくとの大型企業契約おおがたきぎょうけいやく阻止そし 安全保障あんぜんほしょう観点かんてんから
label.tran_page Germany blocks large corporate contracts with China for security reasons


label.tran_page German government waits to sell Volkswagen subsidiary to China
label.tran_page Although the measure was taken from a security perspective, it will be another blow to already strained relations with China.


label.tran_page China is Germany’s largest trading partner


label.tran_page Last June, Volkswagen’s MAN Energy Solutions announced plans to sell its gas turbine business to a Chinese state-owned gas turbine company.
label.tran_page However, a government review that began in September of the same year raised concerns that China might use gas turbines to power warships.
label.tran_page Reuters reported


label.tran_page Weeks before the sale was suspended, the European Union (EU) announced its intention to increase tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China.
label.tran_page A few days later, the Chinese government launched an investigation into the dumping of pork, a major EU export.


label.tran_page At a press conference on the 3rd, German Economy Minister Herbeck said that while the government welcomes investment from foreign companies, technology related to ”public safety” is subject to protection, and that ”we will always maintain friendly relations.” He pointed out that there is a need to protect them from countries where there is no guarantee that there will be


label.tran_page At the same press conference, Interior Minister Feser said he welcomed the government’s decision ”for security reasons.”


label.tran_page According to the German government, trade between Germany and China last year amounted to 255 billion euros (approximately 44 trillion yen at current exchange rates).
label.tran_page However, relations between the two governments have been under strain in recent years.
label.tran_page This appears to be due to Germany’s move to protect its own manufacturing industry and reduce its dependence on China.


label.tran_page On the 4th, a spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized Germany’s move, calling it a ``politicization’’ of a ``normal business partnership.’’
label.tran_page “We hope that Germany will provide a fair and non-discriminatory business environment.
label.tran_page To companies around the world, including Chinese companies.”


label.tran_page MAN Energy Solutions announces that it respects the German government’s decision
label.tran_page In a statement to CNN, the company said it will begin the process of shutting down its gas turbine division in the coming months.