ゴラン地域評議会ちいきひょうぎかい、イスラエルにヒズボラへの攻撃要請こうげきようせい ロケットだんで2人死亡ふたりしぼう
2024-07-10 21:38:03
Anonymous 01:07 11/07/2024
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ゴラン地域評議会ちいきひょうぎかい、イスラエルにヒズボラへの攻撃要請こうげきようせい ロケットだんで2人死亡ふたりしぼう
label.tran_page Golan Regional Council calls on Israel to attack Hezbollah; two killed in rocket fire


label.tran_page According to Israeli police, a car in which a woman and a man were traveling in the Golan Heights was hit by a rocket from the Lebanese Shiite Islamic group Hezbollah on the 9th, and they ”died on the spot.”


label.tran_page The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement that after sirens sounded, ”several projectiles were observed falling in the area.”


label.tran_page Firefighters said they were responding to at least eight fires following projectile attacks.


label.tran_page On the same day, the head of the Golan Regional Council called on the Israeli government to attack Hezbollah ”by force” and move military forces to the Lebanese border.


label.tran_page Finance Minister Smotrich, who also serves in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, called on the Israeli military to ”attack Hezbollah and Lebanon mercilessly.”


label.tran_page The Golan Heights is under the control of the Israeli government and is considered occupied territory by the international community.


label.tran_page Hezbollah said in a statement that it fired dozens of rockets into the Golan Heights ”in retaliation” for an Israeli attack targeting Hezbollah leaders in Syria on Monday.


label.tran_page The executive was reportedly killed in an attack along the road connecting Damascus and Beirut in the western part of the Syrian capital Damascus.
label.tran_page Hezbollah did not provide details


label.tran_page No claim of responsibility for this attack has been made.


label.tran_page On the 9th, the Israeli military announced in a statement that the Israeli Air Force had attacked a Hezbollah terrorist facility in Kabriha, southern Lebanon.
label.tran_page According to the military, projectiles were launched from this facility towards the Golan Heights.
label.tran_page The army also attacked a Hezbollah military facility in Kfarqera, southern Lebanon.


label.tran_page Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah have engaged in near-daily battles near the border since fighting began in the Palestinian autonomous region of Gaza.
label.tran_page But the conflict is gradually escalating, and there are growing concerns that it could develop into a full-scale conflict.