2023-10-27 12:05:00
smengfai 15:10 29/10/2023
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label.tran_page South Korean Supreme Court ``Buddha statue belongs to a temple in Nagasaki prefecture’’ù


label.tran_page In 2012, a Buddhist statue was stolen from Kannonji Temple in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture, and later found in South Korea.
label.tran_page In 2016, the Pusok Temple in South Korea told the South Korean government, which keeps the Buddha statue, ``This is a Buddha statue that the Japanese stole from our temple a long time ago, so please return it,’’ and the case continues to be filed in South Korea. I got it


label.tran_page In 2017, the court said, “Return the Buddha statue to Pusok Monastery.”
label.tran_page However, in the next court case, the ruling was that the statue belonged to Kannonji Temple in Nagasaki Prefecture and could not be handed over to Pusoku Temple.


label.tran_page On the 26th, the Supreme Court said, ``According to Japanese law, the Buddhist statue has belonged to Kannonji since 1973, 20 years after Kannonji became a corporation.’’


label.tran_page A person from Kannonji Temple said, ``I hope the Buddha statue will be returned soon and everyone in Tsushima will feel safe.’’