寿司店すしてんガス爆発ばくはつ きゃく12にんけが 大阪おおさか北区きたく
2023-10-30 07:10:09
Alex Istrate 05:10 31/10/2023
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寿司店すしてんガス爆発ばくはつ きゃく12にんけが 大阪おおさか北区きたく
label.tran_page Gas explosion at sushi restaurant injures 12 customers, Kita Ward, Osaka


label.tran_page On the afternoon of the 28th, there was an explosion at a sushi restaurant in Kita Ward, Osaka City, injuring 12 people including customers and employees.

label.tran_page Just before 1:00 p.m., an employee of a sushi restaurant in Kita Ward, Osaka City called 119 to report an ”explosion inside the restaurant”.

 警察けいさつなどによりますと、店内てんないにあったガスバーナーのボンベが突然とつぜん爆発ばくはつしてきゃく8にん従業員じゅうぎょういん4にんわせて12 にん熱風ねっぷうによってかおうでにやけどをしました
label.tran_page According to the police, a gas burner cylinder inside the store suddenly exploded and 12 people, including 8 customers and 4 employees, suffered burns on their faces and arms from the hot air.

label.tran_page Eleven of them were taken to the hospital, all with minor injuries.

label.tran_page Police are investigating the cause of the accident in detail, as the store was busy with more than 50 customers at the time.