東海道新幹線とうかいどうしんかんせん ワゴンでものなどサービスわる
2023-10-31 17:55:00
smengfai 10:11 01/11/2023
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東海道新幹線とうかいどうしんかんせん ワゴンでものなどサービスわる
label.tran_page Tokaido Shinkansen wagon service for selling food etc. ends


label.tran_page Since the Tokaido Shinkansen began operating in 1964, the service has continued to sell food and drinks on the Shinkansen.
label.tran_page Even now, we still use wagons to sell our products at ``Hikari’’ and ``Nozomi.’’


label.tran_page This service ends on October 31st
label.tran_page The reason is that sales are decreasing and there are not enough workers.


label.tran_page JR Tokai will now sell coffee and ice cream from vending machines on platforms at stations where the Nozomi stops.
label.tran_page In green cars, which are more expensive than regular seats, you will be able to order drinks and other items using your smartphone.


label.tran_page A person who has been working in this service for a long time said, ``Times change and the way we provide services changes, but the feeling of caring for our customers remains the same.’’