ユーチューブ、香港ほんこんデモテーマきょく制限せいげん 香港ほんこんからの閲覧えつらん遮断しゃだん
2024-05-16 10:30:27
dino 14:05 16/05/2024
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ユーチューブ、香港ほんこんデモテーマきょく制限せいげん 香港ほんこんからの閲覧えつらん遮断しゃだん
label.tran_page YouTube restricts Hong Kong demonstration theme song, blocking viewing from Hong Kong


label.tran_page By the 15th, the video posting site YouTube had restricted access to the video of the theme song ``Glory to Hong Kong,’’ which was sung during Hong Kong’s democracy movement, so that it could not be viewed from Hong Kong.


label.tran_page YouTube announced in a statement on the 15th that it had blocked viewing of 32 links playing the song from Hong Kong based on a court order.


label.tran_page The target link also includes an instrumental version without songs and a sign language version.
label.tran_page When trying to view from Hong Kong, a message such as ``Due to court order, this country code cannot be used for viewing’’ is displayed.


label.tran_page In an email response to CNN’s interview, a YouTube spokesperson said, ``We are disappointed in the court’s decision, but we will abide by the order,’’ and said they would continue to consider the option of filing an appeal.


label.tran_page ”Glory to Hong Kong” was written by a pseudonymous musician in August 2019 and became the unofficial theme song of the pro-democracy movement.
label.tran_page The lyrics include slogans such as Hong Kong’s liberation and revolution, which were outlawed in 2020, and have been viewed as problematic by the Hong Kong government and courts as having separatist and anti-establishment connotations.


label.tran_page Last June, Hong Kong’s judicial authorities sought a court order to ban the broadcast or distribution of the song.
label.tran_page The authorities’ lawsuit was initially rejected, but was upheld by an appeals court last week.


label.tran_page Google, which owns YouTube, told CNN via email that it was reviewing the court’s decision.