「サタデー・ナイト・フィーバー」のダンスフロアが競売きょうばいに 推定落札額すいていらくさつがくは4700万円まんえん
2024-05-24 10:30:24
Igor Ueta 16:05 24/05/2024
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「サタデー・ナイト・フィーバー」のダンスフロアが競売きょうばいに 推定落札額すいていらくさつがくは4700万円まんえん
label.tran_page ”Saturday Night Fever” dance floor goes up for auction, estimated winning bid is 47 million yen


label.tran_page The legend of ”Saturday Night Fever” still lives on
label.tran_page The dance floor featured in the classic disco movie will go up for auction next month
label.tran_page Estimated winning bid amount is $300,000 (approximately 47 million yen)


label.tran_page A dance floor with flashing colorful lights provided the perfect backdrop for John Travolta’s Tony Manero to perform his famously upbeat dance moves in a white suit.
label.tran_page Approximately 50 years since then, the dance floor will be featured as a featured item at ``Hollywood Legends,’’ sponsored by Julien’s Auctions, which will be held simultaneously online in Los Angeles from the 12th to the 15th of next month.


label.tran_page According to the Julien’s Auctions listing, the dance floor measures approximately 7 meters by 5 meters.
label.tran_page 288 light bulbs flash in various patterns


label.tran_page The dance floor created as a filming set was set up at the 2001 Odyssey Disco in Brooklyn, New York, and various scenes were filmed there.
label.tran_page It remained where it was after the photo was taken, but an employee bought it when the disco closed.


label.tran_page Tony Manero plays the role of an Italian American who escapes from the social tensions in his neighborhood by dancing at a local discotheque.
label.tran_page Travolta was nominated for an Oscar for this role and became a household name.
label.tran_page Meanwhile, the movie and the catchy Bee Gees soundtrack helped spark a worldwide revival of disco, which was then in decline.


label.tran_page The soundtrack, which included new Bee Gees songs such as ”Stayin’ Alive,” ”Night Fever,” and ”You Should Be Dancing,” became the best-selling soundtrack ever, and won Best Picture at the 21st Grammy Awards in 1979. won the album award
label.tran_page In 2012, it was added to the U.S. Library of Congress’ National Recording Collection, establishing its cultural significance.


label.tran_page The Ark of the Covenant, which was used as a prop in the first Indiana Jones movie, ``Raiders of the Lost Ark,’’ will also be auctioned off.
label.tran_page It was used in a test shot of cut-out images of actors taken side by side, and according to the organizer’s listing, the estimated winning bid was $70,000 (approximately 11 million yen).


label.tran_page Meanwhile, the bowling uniform worn by Jeff Bridges in the final three scenes of ``The Big Lebowski’’ is expected to sell for an estimated $200,000.