ギャング米国べいこく布教者ふきょうしゃにん殺害さつがい、20代夫婦だいふうふ犠牲ぎせいに ハイチ首都しゅと
2024-05-26 07:10:02
Anonymous 03:05 26/05/2024
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ギャング米国べいこく布教者ふきょうしゃにん殺害さつがい、20代夫婦だいふうふ犠牲ぎせいに ハイチ首都しゅと
label.tran_page Gang kills three American missionaries, including a couple in their 20s in Haiti’s capital


label.tran_page On the night of the 23rd in Port-au-Prince, the capital of the Caribbean island nation of Haiti, three people, including a couple in their 20s who came from the United States to preach, were murdered by a gang.
label.tran_page Armed gangs are rampant in Haiti, and political instability is worsening.


label.tran_page Couple Davey Lloyd (23) and Natalie Lloyd (21) were both murdered in a gang attack.
label.tran_page Natalie’s father, Missouri Congressman Ben Baker, made the announcement in a Facebook post.
label.tran_page He added, ``They went to heaven together.’’


label.tran_page Jude Monteith, 45, who was in charge of local missionary activities, was also killed.


label.tran_page According to the website of the missionary organization the three men belonged to, the organization has been run by Davey’s parents for more than 20 years for the purpose of missionary work in Haiti.


label.tran_page Davey’s father said the couple was ambushed as they left a church in Port-au-Prince on the night of the 23rd.


label.tran_page In a Facebook post, the missionary group said Davey was taken to a home, tied up and beaten.
label.tran_page The gang then stole the group’s truck, loaded it with everything they wanted, and drove off.


label.tran_page Three hours later, the group posted that three of its members were shot dead by a gang around 9pm that night.