パキスタンで最高気温さいこうきおん50℃を観測かんそく 猛烈もうれつ熱波ねっぱ 停電ていでんでエアコン使つかえず熱中症ねっちゅうしょう相次あいつ
2024-05-26 07:10:02
Anonymous 04:05 26/05/2024
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パキスタンで最高気温さいこうきおん50℃を観測かんそく 猛烈もうれつ熱波ねっぱ 停電ていでんでエアコン使つかえず熱中症ねっちゅうしょう相次あいつ
label.tran_page Maximum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius observed in Pakistan; intense heat wave; power outage makes it impossible to use air conditioners, leading to heat strokes


label.tran_page A maximum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius was observed on the 24th in Pakistan, which is experiencing an intense heat wave.
label.tran_page Heat strokes are occurring one after another because air conditioners cannot be used due to power outages.


label.tran_page According to Reuters and other sources, a maximum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius was observed on the 24th in Jacobabad, central Pakistan, which is considered one of the hottest places in the world.
label.tran_page Due to frequent power outages, residents are unable to use air conditioning, and hundreds of people are suffering from heatstroke.


label.tran_page Schools are busy taking measures to protect children from the heat, such as changing the school start time to early morning when it is relatively cooler.


label.tran_page In addition, the temperature continued to be extremely hot at 36 degrees Celsius even at night, and residents had a hard time sleeping outdoors.


label.tran_page Local meteorological authorities predict that ``the maximum daytime temperature will continue to be 6 to 8 degrees Celsius higher than usual,’’ and that heat waves are expected to hit repeatedly over the next month.