京都きょうとホテル 「ムササビの家族かぞく部屋へやしています」
2024-05-27 11:55:00
Anonymous 03:05 30/05/2024
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京都きょうとホテル 「ムササビの家族かぞく部屋へやしています」
label.tran_page Hotel in Kyoto: “We rent out rooms to a family of flying squirrels.”


label.tran_page A flying squirrel was found building a nest on the balcony of a hotel room in Kyoto late last month.


label.tran_page According to the hotel, flying squirrel nests are made of small pieces of wood, and the parents are raising two young.
label.tran_page They stay in the nest during the day and come out at night.


label.tran_page The hotel has decided not to rent this room to guests.
label.tran_page The hotel staff said, ``Currently, we are renting out a room to a family of flying squirrels.’’
label.tran_page I don’t know the check-out date, but I would like to wait until my child is older.”


label.tran_page According to the Kyoto City Zoo, the flying squirrel is an animal that Kyoto Prefecture wants to cherish so that it does not become scarce.