国交こっこうしょう 日本にっぽん航空こうくう社長しゃちょう厳重げんじゅう注意ちゅうい 旅客機りょかくきでのトラブル相次あいつ
5/27/2024 8:32:21 PM +09:00
SID 03:05 28/05/2024
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国交こっこうしょう 日本にっぽん航空こうくう社長しゃちょう厳重げんじゅう注意ちゅうい 旅客機りょかくきでのトラブル相次あいつ
label.tran_page Strict attention to the president of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Japan Aviation Followers One after another
label.tran_page In Japan Airlines, troubles have been increasing this month, such as passenger aircraft significantly exceeding the stop line of the guide route, and wings for passenger aircraft have been in contact.
label.tran_page In response to this, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism called President Mitsuko Tottori on the 27th, and was strictly careful.