人気者にんきしゃのダチョウ職員しょくいん鍵束かぎたばのみ救命きゅうめいできず べいカンザスしゅう
2024-04-25 10:30:26
Mohd Rafiq Mohd Saiful Rizal 10:05 08/05/2024
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人気者にんきしゃのダチョウ職員しょくいん鍵束かぎたばのみ救命きゅうめいできず べいカンザスしゅう
label.tran_page A popular ostrich dies after swallowing an employee’s keychain in Kansas, US


label.tran_page The Topeka Zoo in Kansas has announced that Karen, a popular and energetic 5-year-old female ostrich, has died from complications caused by swallowing a set of keys.


label.tran_page On the 19th, the Topeka Zoo announced on Facebook that Karen had died, saying, ”Sadly, complications from ingesting a foreign object were beyond our control.”


label.tran_page According to the zoo, Karen snatched the keys from a staff member outside her enclosure and swallowed them instantly.


label.tran_page The animal was euthanized on the 18th after consultation with experts and surgical and non-surgical measures that ”unfortunately did not work,” according to Interim Director Fawn Moser.


label.tran_page Karen arrived at the Topeka Zoo in 2023 and will be part of the ”Giraffes and Friends” exhibit where visitors can interact with the animals.