パリの観光名所かんこうめいしょ「ムーラン・ルージュ」 風車かざぐるま羽根落下はねらっか
2024-04-29 11:02:03
Anonymous 07:04 29/04/2024
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Anonymous 07:04 29/04/2024
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2018pcmail 08:04 29/04/2024
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パリの観光名所かんこうめいしょ「ムーラン・ルージュ」 風車かざぐるま羽根落下はねらっか
label.tran_page Paris tourist attraction ”Moulin Rouge” windmill blades falling


label.tran_page ”Moulin Rouge” is a long-established cabaret in Paris whose name comes from ”red windmill”

label.tran_page It is known as the birthplace of the French cancan, a dance in which dancers raise their feet in unison, and is one of Paris’ most popular tourist attractions.

label.tran_page The blades of the windmill, the symbol of the event, suddenly fell in the early hours of the 25th, and the letters ”M”, ”O”, and ”U” on the sign also fell off.

label.tran_page There were many people in the area at the time, but no one was injured.

label.tran_page The cause of the collapse is unknown, but the general manager of the Moulin Rouge says it was an accident and not intentional.