べいコロンビアだいしんパレスチナ”デモ参加学生さんかがくせい停学処分ていがくしょぶん 全米ぜんべい900人超にんちょう学生がくせい逮捕たいほ
2024-05-01 16:00:29
Dollicia Toh 13:05 01/05/2024
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べいコロンビアだいしんパレスチナ”デモ参加学生さんかがくせい停学処分ていがくしょぶん 全米ぜんべい900人超にんちょう学生がくせい逮捕たいほ
label.tran_page U.S. Colombian Parent Palestine Demonstration Students arrested more than 900 students in the United States


label.tran_page At Colombia University, where the U.S. student movement continues to support Palestine, it has been found that students who participate in the demonstration have begun to suspend.

label.tran_page On the 29th, the University of Colombia announced that it has set up a tent on the campus and has begun to suspend students who are conducting demonstrations to support Palestine.

label.tran_page Students at Colombia University started protesting in a tent on the 17th, and more than 100 were arrested the next day, and demonstrations were spread to universities in the United States.

label.tran_page While the university explains that it has begun disposal for safety reasons, the students are preparing for thoroughly saying, Do not obey pressure.

label.tran_page The protest demonstration at university expanded to at least 16 states, and on the 27th, students and police collided at universities in Texas, and arrested one after another.

label.tran_page More than 900 students have been arrested in the United States so far