中国海警局ちゅうごくかいけいきょく みなみシナかいでフィリピンの巡視船じゅんしせん2せき放水ほうすい
2024-05-01 16:00:29
Anonymous 00:05 02/05/2024
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中国海警局ちゅうごくかいけいきょく みなみシナかいでフィリピンの巡視船じゅんしせん2せき放水ほうすい
label.tran_page China Coast Guard sprays water on two Philippine patrol boats in the South China Sea


label.tran_page The Philippine Coast Guard announced that its patrol boat was intercepted by water cannon from a Chinese ship in the South China Sea, where territorial rights are disputed with China.

label.tran_page A Philippine ship sailing in the South China Sea is being sprayed with water from both sides.

label.tran_page According to the Philippine Coast Guard, which released the video, on the 30th, two patrol boats were intercepted by water cannons from a Chinese Coast Guard ship near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.

label.tran_page This water discharge caused damage to the ship’s handrails, etc.

label.tran_page Additionally, the Coast Guard claims that the Chinese Coast Guard has set up a 380-meter-long barrier covering the entrance to Scarborough Shoal, accusing it of ``effectively restricting access.’’

label.tran_page Obstacles were set up by China in this area in September last year, but the Philippine side removed them.