高速道路こうそくどうろ陥没かんぼつ24人死亡にんしぼう30病院搬送にんびょういんはんそう 中国ちゅうごく広東省かんとんしょう
2024-05-02 10:30:26
Alight Phobe 09:05 02/05/2024
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高速道路こうそくどうろ陥没かんぼつ24人死亡にんしぼう30病院搬送にんびょういんはんそう 中国ちゅうごく広東省かんとんしょう
label.tran_page Expressway collapses... 24 people killed, 30 transported to hospital in Guangdong Province, China


label.tran_page A highway collapsed on the 1st in southern China`s Guangdong province, 20 cars was involved in the incident.
label.tran_page So far, 24 people have died and 30 people have been taken to hospital.


label.tran_page According to Chinese media, there was an accident in southern China`s Guangdong province in the morning of the 1st when a lane of a highway collapsed and 20 cars were involved in the incident
label.tran_page Some of the cars that fell were catching fire which cause significant damage, so far 24 people have died and 30 have been taken to the hospital.


label.tran_page Guangdong province has been experiencing record heavy rain since last month, which may have loosened the ground.
label.tran_page In addition, there are concerns about the impact on traffic in China due to the long holidays starting on the 1st.