えい 不法移民ふほういみん拘束開始こうそくかいし ルワンダへの“強制移送きょうせいいそう”へけて
2024-05-02 16:00:22
SID 12:05 02/05/2024
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えい 不法移民ふほういみん拘束開始こうそくかいし ルワンダへの“強制移送きょうせいいそう”へけて
label.tran_page Toward the forced transfer to Rwanda to start detention of illegal immigrants


label.tran_page In the United Kingdom, where illegal immigrants are forced to transfer to Rwanda, Africa, illegal immigrants transfer to Rwanda have begun.

label.tran_page The Ministry of Interior in the UK announced on January 1 that some of the immigrants who have illegally entered the United Kingdom have been detained for the transfer to Rwanda.

label.tran_page Last month in the UK, a law to force illegal immigrants to Rwanda was enacted, and Snak has announced that it will start transfer by July.

label.tran_page Until now, illegal immigrants, who have applied for exile to the United Kingdom, have been allowed to stay in hotels in the UK, and many have stayed in the country even after the application has been rejected.

label.tran_page However, immigrants who illegally entered the country after January 2022 under new law will be unable to apply for asylean to the United Kingdom and will be transferred to Rwanda to apply for exile to Rwanda.