水面すいめんおおくす死骸しがい猛暑もうしょかんばつさかな大量死たいりょうし ベトナム
2024-05-03 21:25:03
anonymous 17:05 05/05/2024
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Anonymous 00:05 06/05/2024
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水面すいめんおおくす死骸しがい猛暑もうしょかんばつさかな大量死たいりょうし ベトナム
label.tran_page Dead bodies cover the water surface, large numbers of fish die due to intense heat and drought in Vietnam


label.tran_page A large number of fish are dying in a reservoir in Dong Nai province in southern Vietnam, where the intense heat continues.


label.tran_page The 300-hectare reservoir is covered with hundreds of thousands of dead fish, and fishing boats are scrambling to retrieve them under the harsh heat wave.


label.tran_page Southern Vietnam is hit by severe drought, with temperatures rising to nearly 40 degrees in April
label.tran_page Farmers struggle to prevent crop damage


label.tran_page Local residents and media blamed the drought and heatwave, as well as poor management of the reservoir, for the fish die-off.


label.tran_page The piled-up fish carcasses are covered in mud, dry, and decompose.