フランス エリート養成校ようせいこうキャンパス占拠せんきょ はんイスラエルデモ
2024-05-04 10:30:03
anonymous 06:05 05/05/2024
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フランス エリート養成校ようせいこうキャンパス占拠せんきょ はんイスラエルデモ
label.tran_page Anti-Israel demonstration occupies campus at French elite training school


label.tran_page As anti-Israel demonstrations spread at universities across the United States, students from the Paris Institute of Political Science, considered an elite training school in France, occupied part of the campus.

label.tran_page Students held a hunger strike from the 2nd to the 3rd at the Paris Institute of Political Science, which has produced President Macron and Prime Minister Atal, to protest against Israel’s continued fighting in the Gaza Strip.

label.tran_page Approximately 90 people occupied part of the campus and were removed by police in protest against the university’s refusal to review its relationships with Israeli universities and companies.

label.tran_page On the afternoon of the 3rd, about 300 university students held an anti-Israel demonstration in a plaza in the student town.

label.tran_page A clash occurred, including a pro-Israel group forcibly taking away a sign that read ``Hamas is a terrorist’’, but no one was injured or arrested.