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label.tran_page Less than 3 months until the Paris Olympics, luxury vacation rentals are dropping in price by 30-60%


label.tran_page With less than three months until the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics, scaffolding has been erected for spectator seats at competition venues throughout Paris, France, and the five symbolic rings are being hoisted up.
label.tran_page People who are planning a last-minute trip to see the games and have not yet decided on a place to stay may be on the lookout.
label.tran_page Supply exceeds demand, causing prices for properties rented out by homeowners, especially those in luxury apartments, to fall by 30-60%.


label.tran_page The English edition of French newspaper Le Monde reported in February that although hotel prices were higher than usual, there was an early rise in the number of properties listed on Airbnb by homeowners looking to rent out their homes. It was reported that the prices were not as dizzying as those suggested.
label.tran_page For reference, according to the French Tourist Board, the average price for a night in the Paris metropolitan area during the Olympics was 759 euros (approximately 130,000 yen) as of September last year, but under the same conditions in February has fallen to 522 euros (about 88,000 yen)


label.tran_page The French news channel Euronews reported on April 22nd that the insurance company Réassurez-moi reported in July last year that as of April of the same year, rooms during the Olympics were priced at 1,023 euros (approximately 170,000 yen) per night. He pointed out that the price per night is 436 euros (about 73,000 yen), but reported that the current price is lower than last summer.
label.tran_page It is believed that between 3,000 and 3,500 new stays are being booked online each month.