タイ切断遺体せつだんいたい 2ふたり逃亡映像とうぼうえいぞう
2024-05-06 10:30:03
Anonymous 03:05 07/05/2024
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タイ切断遺体せつだんいたい 2ふたり逃亡映像とうぼうえいぞう
label.tran_page Thai mutilated body - escape video of two people


label.tran_page A man wearing a white hat and sunglasses standing next to a car
label.tran_page Another man carrying a suitcase also gets out of the car.

label.tran_page The two suspects are Takuya Kato (49), a member of an organized crime group, and Hiroto Suzuki (27), who have an arrest warrant issued in Thailand.

label.tran_page According to local authorities, Kato and his group are suspected of killing Ryosuke Kabashima (47) in Thailand in March and discarding his dismembered body.

label.tran_page On the 23rd of last month, a security camera at a hotel in Laos, a neighboring country of Thailand, captured the two men fleeing.

label.tran_page It is believed that the two have already left the hotel and are on the run, and Thai police are searching for them.